Energy, Mining & Utilities

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The New York Times
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It started as a natural gas well. It has become geysers of mud and water, and in a country plagued by earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis another calamity in the making, though this one is largely man-made. Read More
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Special to CorpWatch
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Fishing communities in the Caribbean island of Trinidad are protesting a $US1.5 billion aluminum smelter that will process raw material from Brazil, Jamaica and Surinam. Cedros Peninsula United, a local organization, says that the factory uses technology that has had serious environmental impacts in countries from China to Iceland and the U.S. Read More
Published by
The New York Times
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An former advertising executive realizes he created one of the greatest greenwashing campaigns of all time. Read More
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San Francisco Chronicle
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North Slope operations -- like oil production facilities everywhere -- release into the air a steady stream of pollutants and greenhouse gases, spewed by vehicles, power generators and the drilling process itself. Estimates vary, but the North Slope oil fields probably produce more smog-forming nitrogen oxides than Washington, D.C., and more carbon dioxide than San Francisco. Read More
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New Orleans Times-Picayune
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Entergy New Orleans customers are paying nearly a third more for their power bills than they were last year, and a further proposed rate increase could mean bills will be 50 percent higher than before Hurricane Katrina. Read More
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Inter Press Service
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Arankartuktaram! This Achuar cry sums up what indigenous communities in the heart of Peru's Amazon jungle region are demanding from the State and multinational oil companies -- a little respect. Read More
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Guardian Unlimited
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BP's image today suffered another blow as the British oil giant closed the last 12 of 57 oil wells in Alaska that had been leaking. Read More
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The Guardian
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Thames Water could face a fine of up to £140m for failing to provide a good service to its eight million customers in the south-east of England. Read More
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