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The Supreme Court yesterday strictly limited the ability of investors who lost money through corporate fraud to sue other businesses that may have helped facilitate the crime, a decision that could doom stockholder efforts to recover billions of dollars lost in Enron and other high-profile cases.
Read MoreThe web started off as a vast digital commons, but is becoming increasingly enclosed by corporate actors. Activists at are working against this trend with their new campaign, "It's Our Web."
Read MoreAmericans seek international database to carry iris, palm and finger prints
Read MoreA Pentagon office that was reprimanded by the U.S. Congress for spying on antiwar activists, has just awarded a multi-million dollar contract to QinetiQ, a British company that employs Stephen Cambone. Cambone, a former aide to Donald Rumsfeld, helped create the very office that issued the contract.
Read MoreResidents and environmental activists are in a bitter dispute with large U.S. energy corporations and the federal government over the safety of nuclear power, as more than a dozen corporations plan to, or have filed, paperwork to open new nuclear power plants, primarily in the U.S. South.
Read MoreAccording to global forecasts, the price of copper, Chile's main export, will remain high in 2008 thanks to strong demand from China. But just who will benefit from this bonanza is up for debate.
Read MoreSome of the largest multinational oil companies in the world -- including the U.K. and Dutch owned Shell, the French company Total, and the American companies Mobil and Chevron -- are responsible for the bulk of the scores of gas flares burning in Nigeria.
Read MoreIn May 2005, a Blackwater helicopter dropped CS gas onto a crowded area near the Green Zone in Baghdad. The previously undisclosed incident has raised significant new questions about the role of private security contractors in Iraq.
Read MoreIn 2005 Blackwater accidentally dropped teargas on US soldiers, which has raised significant new questions about the role of private security contractors in Iraq, and whether they operate under the same rules of engagement and international treaty obligations that the American military observes.
Read MoreThai environmentalists are banking on the country's courts to overturn a decision by the military-appointed government to allow field trials of genetically modified (GM) crops.
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