
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer plunged into a crowd of 45 protesters on Saturday, debating them on whether he should revoke the corporate charter of the Unocal Corporation as they demanded. The group had gathered in front of Loyola Law School in Los Angeles where Lockyer was scheduled to deliver a speech.

Rallying behind the struggle of the U'wa people of Colombia, at least 2,500 people have arrived during the past week in the small community of Gibraltar, in the department of North Santander, resuming the blockade of the main road to Oxy's well site.

Greenpeace delivered this report to Senators and Clinton Administration officials. The report highlights the amount of money received by the both parties from oil, coal, gas, and car companies, and reveals that ARCO gave the most funding of any individual corporation with a total of $3.4 million in donations since 1991.

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